Strike impacts – Kespro's deliveries
Customer information about disruptions in orders and deliveries.
In this article you will find information about the effects on ordering and deliveries regionally.
Truck drivers strike
The truck industry strike starts on Wednesday 15 February 2023 at 00:00 and ends on Tuesday 21 February 2023 at 24:00.
At this stage, it is estimated that the strike will have only little effect on Kespro's deliveries. Product shortages should not occur.
We will provide more information on the possible additional effects of the strike on this site.
Service Union Strike
All exceptional arrangements have been dismantled in Kespro. Ordering from Kespro is now normal and customers' normal delivery times have been restored.
The Service Union United PAM and the employers' representative Finnish Commerce Federation have reached a result the in negotiations for a new collective agreement late on Sunday, 12 February.
Me Kesprossa autamme kaiken kokoisia asiakkaitamme menestymään sekä kehittämään liikeideaansa. Meiltä saat palvelua niin henkilökohtaisesti kuin digitaalisissa kanavissa.
Tule asiakkaaksiAsiakkaanamme käytössäsi on Suomen laajin tukkuvalikoima Kespronet-verkkopalvelun kautta. Logistiikka - ja jakeluverkostomme kattaa koko Suomen.
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